York College presents its first Presidential Medal to Patricia ‘Miss Pat’ Chin O.D., VP Records co-founder.
The medal was bestowed upon ‘Miss Pat’ on June 2nd at the Guy Brewer campus in Queens, New York.
President Dr. Berenecea J. Eanes recognized Miss Pat as a pillar and staple of the community in bringing the Reggae culture of music to a diverse community.
VP Records was started by Vincent and Patricia Chin as Randy’s Record Mart reselling used records out of their shop at 36 East Street in Kingston, Jamaica in the late 1950s. Vincent Chin worked for Isaac Issa, stocking new records into jukeboxes and accumulating the records he took out. These records were the springboard for what would eventually become the largest reggae record company in the world.
After two decades in Kingston, Randy’s founders set their eyes on New York City, with its growing Jamaican community and access to the world’s largest market for recorded music. After relocating to a small shop at 170-03 Jamaica Avenue in Queens, New York in 1977 (and later to 170-21 Jamaica Avenue), the Chins continued the retail, manufacturing, and distribution model developed in Kingston.